

 * Original msg to: Kukkonen-at-snakemail.hut.fi

 KU> Hello again!

 KU> I forgot to ask about this in the previous message:

> For the coil above, plain old DC resistance should be over 50   
> Ohms. The high-frequency resistance calculation is giving 35    
> Ohms. Doesn't seem right does it? The book speaks repeatedly    
> of *series resistance*. Apparently that's not the DC            
> resistance.

 KU> The quote above is written by a friend of mine who is        
 KU> writing a tesla-coil design program.. Could you enlight him  
 KU> a bit about what "series resistance" really means in this    
 KU> issue? (I think he's writing about a secondary coil)

Boy, I am without a clue here. It is unfortunate that so many
terms are bandied about without a clear explanation or formula
of origin. I see a lot of it, and much of it is so unexact or
outright incorrect that it is worthless. Terms such as effective
resistance (?), and series resistance (?), pop up with no clear
definition. Even "high-frequency resistance", which can be
clearly defined and calculated, is meaningless and useless in
Tesla coil applications if the RF resistance characteristics of
the coiling "band" (typically 10,000 - 1,500,000 Hertz) are not
used. Or in other words: what works at 10 megaHertz in radio does
not necessarily apply at 100 kiloHertz in a helical resonator.

Tesla coiling, as repulsive as it may seem to many of those with
more formal engineering roots, is still an art. Tesla himself
knew this, and any good coiler learns it over time. Certain
aspects of coil design and function may be calculated with near
certainty, but in the end it is the coil builder, not the
computer, that edges and peaks a coil system to astounding

Comments on this one anybody?

Richard Quick

... Give me a wire chart and some high Q plastic, please!  
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12