

  I'd just like to say thanks to all that helped me over the past month
or so.  As many of you know, I was pressed for time to complete a Tesla
transmitting system in time for a demonstration, which took place today
(Saturday).  The project was a success, it got pulled off nicely :)
Also came in 3rd place in a small competition that was going on.

  So the deadline is over.  I now can develop the system further/improve
it, without having to worry about having it done in any certain time,
will give me much more time to experiment too.  So thanks to everyone
that helped me out!

  While I'm writing this, 2 issues that came up while building this
system, that I never got the time to truely explore, but intend to now:

1.  Has anyone experimented with using a 1/4 harmonic transmitter, but
using a pickup on the 1/8 or 1/16 wave harmonic?  I attempted a 1/16
coil, with no success.  However, there are many other variables that
could have caused this, and I intend to experiment with this in the
upcoming weeks.

2.  I was talking with some physicists about Nikola Tesla.  What I
gathered from these conversations was that he had some good ideas that
really worked (obviously, this system worked :) ).  But he also was sort
of a flake, and some of it is just total garbage.  I've read several
biagraphies on Nikola Tesla.  What is fact, and what is fiction here?

  Once again, thanks for the help, and I look forward to helping expand
the knowledge on Tesla systems.

Josh W. Perfetto
Josh W. Perfetto

Sent via WorldLink on 03/17/96 at 15:10:40.
From: Tidal Wave BBS
      Altamont, NY
      The best around!