
Re: More Tuning/Debugging

>From: Chuck Curran <ccurran-at-execpc-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: More Tuning/Debugging
>  I video taped two runs and I'm generally pleased with
>the progress. 
Stills on the net??? ;)

> The stationary gap is suffering at this point.  I built
>it with the gaps "close" to .028" each but now they vary from .014" to
>.041".  I used 3" lengths of 1.5" O.D. copper couplings not tube.  They
>have apparently stress relieved themselves with the heat and now have a
>changed shape.  They were both bolted and epoxied into position in the
>PVC tube.  I'm in the process of starting a new stationa gap system with
>a vacuum cleaner motor.  More later, thanks for the feedback.
I find this interesting. I built my stationary gap with 1" Cu tube
sections bolted but not epoxied in place. It has always been
blown/cooled. I gap it to 0.030" and then, later, find that they have
moved;) Some are shorted, some as much as 0.060" apart. I figured that
this was due to not epoxying them in place. It has happened enough
times that I do not beleive it is stress relief any more.
