
Re: Tesla Coil Kits

        Re: Tesla Coil Kits
        Fri, 14 Mar 1997 21:07:50 -0500
        "Robert W. Stephens" <rwstephens-at-headwaters-dot-com>
        Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>

> Date:          Fri, 14 Mar 1997 08:47:11 -0600
> To:            tesla-at-poodle.pupman-dot-com
> Subject:       Tesla Coil Kits
> From:          Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>

> From: Phil_Bidwell-at-3mail.3com-dot-com
> I have notices several Tesla Coil kits ( on the internet ) available in
> America, from about 200 dollar - upwards.
> 1)-  Has anyone from this list built any of these kits.
> 2)-  Can anyone recommend any of these kits.
> I am considering building my first coil, so would a kit be considered
> cheating ?
> Phil.
>From what I have heard about the kits offered, if you buy one and 
follow the instructions it won't work.  Then you have to do your own R&D 
to get it to work.  In the process you learn how a Tesla coil works. 
This is not
cheating.  If you buy a kit that does work, that IS cheating.

If you buy a ready made operating coil, that is not cheating either, 
nor is it Tesla coiling.  It is merely buying a neat toy!
