
Re: Unpotting Neon / Pictures / d-Limonene

From: 	Adam[SMTP:absmith-at-tiac-dot-net]
Sent: 	Thursday, November 06, 1997 11:58 AM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Unpotting Neon / Pictures / d-Limonene

>>    Adam, I am new here, could you explain what you mean by "mini pig",
>>it sounds like something I may want to build.

As promised, I have put up two pictures (one is a labeled diagram) of the 
reconstruction of my neon sign transformer.




Now, about d-Limonene:  Mine came from an analytical lab where I worked, 
and it is probably only available pure through mail order chemical 
suppliers like VWR, Aldrich, Fisher, etc...  You can most certainly get 
it from them.  There are also a couple of cleaning products on the market 
like Citrus XL which say 90%+ d-Limonene.  These cleaners have water in 
them, but this is ok, since you only need to soak the core pieces and the 
primary- you NEVER want to use solvents on the secondary windings (fire 
hazard, insulation problems, etc...).  The bad thing about the d-Limonene 
cleaners is that they smell very powerfully of oranges.  Nauseatingly 
powerful in fact.


Adam Smith
Epoch, Inc. Digital Music Project

www.tiac-dot-net/users/absmith/     Now with MP3!     Musik. Macht. Macintosh.