
Sale: New neon transformers

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Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 14:11:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Sale: New neon transformers

    I made a bulk purchase of new Jefferson/Magnetek neon 
    transformers and I am making these available to TC builders at a
    fraction of the usual new price.  Shipping (from NJ) is additional.
    They range in output voltage from 5kV to 15kV.  They have 277volt
    primaries so a step-up variac or step-up transformer is required to 
    run them from 120V or 240V.  As a test, I installed a 12kV,30ma,
    277V primary neon tranny, along with a step-up transformer, onto 
    my 42" spark Tesla coil, and the spark length decreased by 2"
    compared, with normal operation using a 12kV,30ma, 120V input
    tranny.  This seems to me like a minimal loss going through the
    extra step-up transformer.  In this test I applied the same voltage
    (around 120V) that I usually apply to the 12kV,30ma, 120V input 
    tranny.  When used in a TC giving shorter sparks of let's say 18",
    the decrease in spark length would be less, perhaps 1".
    I am also selling (4) of these new step-up transformers (which are
    actually step-down trannies), but can be wired in reverse for step-up
    results.  These transformers accept a 120V or 240V input, and 
    provide a 254, 266, or 277V output, and are rated at .75kVA
    (GE brand).  Input and output connections are wire leads, wiring
    diagram is included.
    Neon trannies available, 277V primaries:
          QTY     kV      mA        PRICE $ (ea)
             1       15       30               32
             1       12       30               27
             2       7.5      30               22
             1       7.5      60               30
             4        5        30               20 (secondary insulated, not 
             4  step-up transformers    12
      neon tranny,  120V primary:
             1        6        60               35
    The neon transformers are of the standard style with an insulator
    at both ends.  
    If interested, please e-mail me directly at   <  FutureT-at-aol-dot-com  >
    and include your state and zip code if you'd like me to calculate 
    shipping costs.
    Thank you,
    John Freau