
Re: Frequency, quench, etc.

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Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 12:48:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: Frequency, quench, etc.


   (addemdum to another post of similar title)

I measured the coupling using the 4 1/4" by 23" secondary, and it
ranged from .08 to .11.  Quenching was much poorer, and the gap
refused to quench on the first notch.  Probably the (2X) higher freq.
(less gap de-ionization time available), and lower pri. surge
impedance is the cause of the degraded quenching.  Slow 
(relative to freq.) spark formation (as suggested by Malcolm), may
be hurting the results a little also.  Spark output has decreased 
by about 3 to 5% compared with the original 6 1/2" dia. secondary.
Using the narrow sec., the spark tends to form multiple streamers
at a looser k value.  I've seen some evidence in the past that poor 
quench tends to promote multiple streamer formation, perhaps 
by weakening the intensity (and therefore the persistance) of
output spark ionization.  Interesting subtleties.

Comments welcomed,
John Freau