
Tips for Tesla-ers

From: 	Robert Michaels[SMTP:robert.michaels-at-online.sme-dot-org]
Sent: 	Sunday, September 07, 1997 8:47 AM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Tips for Tesla-ers

        The August, 1997 issue of the U.S.A. publication "Popular
        Electronics"  (vol. 14, no.8) has a few simple circuits which
        may be interest to those on This List:

        The items are part of a regular feature called "Circuit Circus"
        which is on page 67 of the subject issue.

        Item - 1  Might be called a poor-man's substitute for a
        --------  variable transformer ("Variac").  It's a series-
        parallel combination of light bulbs which are added and
        subtracted from the load circuit by means of several switches.

        Item - 2  Is an idea for using a real variable transformer
        --------  in combination with a switched-light bulb used as
        ballast to give a higher level of control where the applica-
        tion of power to a load might cause unpredictable behavior.

        Item - 3  Is a simple tester for detecting shorted turns
        --------  in a transformer.   A neon lamp is connected
        across the transformer under test and a comparatively low-
        voltage pulse is applied.  If there are no shorted turns,
        the inductive kick from the pulse will flash the neon lamp.

        Note that this is useful in testing neon-sign transformers
        and possibly Tesla secondaries as well.

                                        Half coping, half hoping,
                                        in -- Detroit, USA

                                        Robert Michaels