
Re: The GE Xray caps....-> Fair Radio Sales caps (fwd)

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Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 00:56:35 EDT
From: ESchulz531-at-aol-dot-com
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: The GE Xray caps....-> Fair Radio Sales caps (fwd)

>    In a Fair Radio Sales flyer I got they had .01 uf 100Kvdc caps from
>government surplus.  Could these be used for tesla service like rating them
>for 50Kvac?  They are 5" X 10" X 2.5" and have 1" #12 studs on either end.

	I also have one of these.  While running with a 15KV 60ma NST at 120 
bps I haven't noticed any temperature change.  I was getting 38" streamers.  
But when I started running at 1.2 KVA using 10kv 120ma at 240bps I also 
noticed some temperature change, only a few degrees, after a 30 second 
run.  At this point I was getting 54" arcs to the ceiling and didn't want to 
rase the power due to fire hazards. :)

Erik Schulz