
"Slinky" Primary / Sloped Archimedes Spiral Primary Equ

From:  Robert W. Stephens [SMTP:rwstephens-at-headwaters-dot-com]
Sent:  Tuesday, August 18, 1998 2:28 AM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re: "Slinky" Primary / Sloped Archimedes Spiral Primary Equ

> Tesla List wrote:
> > 
> > ----------
> > From:  DudeMan007 [SMTP:Teslafreak-at-compuserve-dot-com]
> > Sent:  Monday, August 17, 1998 1:16 AM
> > To:  INTERNET:tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> > Subject:  "Slinky" Primary / Sloped Archimedes Spiral Primary Equation
> > 
> >                 I'm not sure if this would be feasible or not,...but what
> > about using
> > plastic tubing filled with mercury for a primary? If the mounts were not
> > too tight,..one might
> > be able to change the shape and slant on the fly. Although,...I'm not sure
> > what method could
> > be used to connect.  Just a crazy idea.
Mercury, besides being a toxic hazard, is actually a lousy conductor of
electricity.  In ohm's/cm X 10E-6, solid annealed copper is 1.7241,  
solid aluminum is 2.62 and liquid mercury is 95.8.  An aluminum primary
would be much better from a  conductivity standpoint. Copper is the best 
practical material of choice for this component.
BTW, I'm curious, does it really say DudeMan007 on your birth
certificate, or is that not your real name?

Robert W. Stephens
Lindsay Scientific Co.
RR1 Shelburne, ON Canada L0N-1S5
Tel or AutoFax: 1-519-925-1771    
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