
High amp caps or something.

From:  Bill the arcstarter [SMTP:arcstarter-at-hotmail-dot-com]
Sent:  Wednesday, February 11, 1998 10:41 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re: High amp caps or something.

Hi Joshua.
>From:  Joshua Resnick [SMTP:seraphim-at-WPI.EDU]
>I felt to be amperage effects on the foil coming from the top of the
>stack.  My roommate (college) believes that the melted foil was from
>flaming arcs from the simple gap we had setup that had touched the 
Yep - I've seen this on some similarly constructed open-air/poly caps.
Didn't damage the foil but rippled the poly in my case.  Here are my 

--> Skin depth in pure copper at 200KHz is about 0.006 inch.
Therefore, using kitchen foil, even heavy-duty stuff is increasing 
your effective resistance over the best achievable value.  Skin depth 
in aluminum is even worse (deeper).  Instantaneous currents w/o any 
appreciable series inductance can be exceedingly high!!

--> I doubt the current flow is uniform throughout the plates due to 
electrostatic effects.  I would think there would be both 
electrostatic and magnetic (skin) effects which would tend to keep 
most of the HF-currrent flowing along the outermost edges.  (This 
is where most caps seem to fail!!)  But I may be wrong.  Can anyone 
comment on this?? !  Anyone want to run this situation through ANSYS 
or something?

>Last question - I cut some microwave xfrms apart in a band saw and

I used a hatchet!  Didn't have a saw handy.  Pics pending...

-Bill the arcstarter
Starting arcs in Cinci, OH
(More tube info pending for all that have responded...)

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