
Re: Self-built power transformer

It's actually not a very high capacitance-its dielectric constant is 2.2.

By the way, your English here is better than some native English speakers'
email I know. No reason to apologize.

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: OttFritz-at-aol-dot-com
> Hi Coilers,
> you often desciribe the insulation in this discussion, but what kind of
> material is the best choice for it. (especially between the winding layers)
> LDPE for example might be not so good, the high dielectric konstant means a
> relativ high parasitic capacitance in the selfmade pig. (if it works under
> oil, more higher)
> Sorry for my english! ;-)
> So long
>     Otto-F. from germany

           --Mr. Postman (Doug Brunner)