
Re: HELP!! with a pole pig..

mel wise wrote:

>Is it safe to run a pole pig that has one high voltage lead and a
>neutral (ground) lead? I need to know this because I think that the 
>pig that I am wanting to buy has this type of Hv/Neutral leads. Is it
>possible to run this type safely in a tesla tank circuit? I need to 
>from people that have used this type or know that this type will work
>safely. If anyone can help out, I will definately need a layout or a
>detailed how to list.

 I too have a pig of this sort, but have yet to fire my coil off of it.  
I'm told I can use this sort with slight mods to the grounding scheme.  
I don't recall the exact details yet.  Seems you would want to ground 
the can to a separate RF ground than the one used for the secondary...  
Comments, anyone?

 Another option is to bring out the grounded lead of the pig's core.  
That way you have the more traditional floating configuration.  It 
remains to be seen if there are any insulation concerns with doing this, 
but I believe it would be valid.  I'd have a hard time believing there 
is any difference in the cores themselves.  I think they're just wired 
differently, and installed into a can with a lid with only one HV 
bushing on it!

 Reinhard discovered you can get all sorts of porcelain hv insulators 
from surplus sales of nebraska.

-Bill the arcstarter
Starting arcs in Cinci, OH

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