
Re: Fine Tuning a Spark Gap

Hi Gary, All

I, too, have tried something very similar. The only difference was that I used
a small six sided aluminum stand-off in between each copper pipe. 

I tried various gap spacings and different gap spacings within the total gap
(just like you did). Everytime I used the Al stand-offs, I got a better spark
output on my 3.34" Test-TC. 

The aluminum cruds up pretty fast, but it didnīt make a difference in the
total spark length. Iīm not quite sure why the spark length increases so
dramaticly using the AL stand-offs. 

I want to knurl some copper pipe to see if it is perhaps due to the edges of
the six sided stand-offs, although the sparks seem to jump from one flat side
to the other and not from the edges.

After that I will try aluminum tubing alone to see if it is due to the
aluminum. If I run my TC on the Al stand-offs alone, I still get a longer
output spark than I did using a pure copper gap (same individual/total

I also donīt quite understand why a multiwidth (i.e. different single widths
within the total gap) makes a difference, compared to a gap with the same
total width (but having equal spacing between the gaps), but it does!!

Itīs good to see people are trying similar things out there. This helps me
from starting to think Iīve gone mad somehow..........or have I ?

Coiler greets from germany,

 Original Poster: gweaver <gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net> 
 I built a new RQ spark gap today to replace my old RQ spark gap.
 The old spark gap has 8 gaps.  Each gap being .030 each.  Total gap .240
 The new RQ spark gap has 8 gaps.  Each gap space is different.  I have .060,
 .050, .040, .035, .030, .025, .020, .015.  Total gap is .275
 The discharge sparks from the toroid are 24" max to a target using the old
 spark gap.
 The discharge sparks from the toroid are 29" max to a target using the new
 spark gap.
 I fine tuned the spark gap by shorting out one gap at a time and checking
 the length of the discharge spark.  After experement for several minutes I
 discovered my best output is with gap .060 and gap .015 shorted out. Total
 gap is .200
 I shortened my spark gap by .040 and the output got 5" longer.  
 I also get much better output through the full adjustment range of the
 Gary Weaver
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