
Re: wire for secondary

   I should clarify something here. That one shop that was abundantly
willing to supply what I needed did not agree to do so for free. The
point was that I discovered different degrees of willingness on the part
of various motor repair shops to provide a service they do not normally
provide---that of selling wire.
   The wire from Mouser was a single, 8 lb roll of 20 gauge solid copper
"enameled" wire; but the enamel is a nylon compound of some sort, if I
remember correctly. Rea is the manufacturer. The cost was about $50.00 in
1996. How this red nylon insulation compares to others in terms of Tesla
duty I do not know, but it makes sumptuously beautiful secondaries. Do
not neglect the Aesthetic aspects of your coils!
Dave Hartwick

[Update---checked mousers site>> http://www.mouser-dot-com. That same 20
gauge roll now sells for $57.36. I'm sure others know of less expensive
suppliers---surplus, etc. (To peruse Mouser's selection, do a search for
"magnet wire" using their search engine.)]

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: Chris Tominkson <internetinbox-at-yahoo-dot-com>
> Wire source: I have had success with Electric motor repair shops. One
> shop in
> particular was willing to spool off as much as I wanted of my choice
> of wire.
> Mouser Electronic supply sells 10 lb. spools of beautiful wire with a
> red
> nylon
> coating. Others will doubtless have suggestions on sources and
> opinions on the
> various insulations.
> Dave Hartwick
> One time when I needed a 6.5536 Mhz crystal fro my ed box, I called
> mouser and asked them to send me a sample of the part number. In a
> couple weeks I had the crystal, for free. I have also used Digi-Key
> and others like this too. Some don't officially sample but they sent
> one to me anyway.
> ==
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