
Re: Improving spark gaps

Hi Bert, All,
    I am very familiar with that one because I was there.  I gave a
paper there.  I was kind of interested in finding the repetitive spark
gap paper on the internet if it were available.  The IEEE web site is
not within the reach of all of the list members.  I am always on the
look out for additional Tesla coil related information on the web that
can be made available to the list members.

    By the way, Do download a copy of the Plasma Formulary in PDF
format from the NRL web site.  It has lots of good stuff on RLC

The article that Jim referenced is in the 10th International Pulsed
Conference Proceedings, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1995, a large
two-volume publication that's a total of 4.5" thick. Tables of
for most past conferences (going back to 1976) can be found at:
Once at the table of contents for a given conference, your browser's
"find" function can then be used to locate specific keywords or
Happy hunting!

-- Bert --