
perpendicular primary

Hi Dan and all,
I have a question--just for a change:
Why is the flat spiral SOP for a TC primary? Has anyone experimented with a 
of sufficient diameter to avoid the arcover problem?

I made a perpendicular primary for the 3.5 inch diam secondary on my 1/2 wave
bipolar. It is a huge deadly spider web nearly 18 inches in diameter. I have 
ten turns of
3/16 Cu tubing with a 0.75 inch spacing. Well, that's what I tried to get.  
:-)) I find a very
sharp f res at 74 kHz and a very broad tuning with lateral adjustment along 
the secondary.
I guess the flat coil at the electrical center produces sort of an 
ellipsoidal field. Is that good? That is why I ask the question on the flat 
spiral use with a regular TC. Unlike the large solenoid, there is no arcing. 
Perhaps this is a good clue to the 
poor coupling.  Aside from the mechanical problems of safely supporting this 
monster, I'm not overly impressed by the results compared to the performance 
of a 6 inch diam -12 turn
solenoid. I will try another flat coil wound to 0.50 spacing and a few more 
turns to 
increase the inductance.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Happy day,
Ralph Zekelman