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Re: I've lost my k. Can someone help me find it?

Original poster: "Malcolm Watts by way of Terry Fritz <twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <m.j.watts-at-massey.ac.nz>

Hi Daniel,

On 24 Sep 2002, at 7:55, Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: "Daniel Barrett by way of Terry Fritz
<twftesla-at-qwest-dot-net>" <dbarrett1-at-austin.rr-dot-com>
>     Hi All-
>     Can someone (Antonio???)  set me straight on how to calculate K given a
> pri/sec assembly's lower (F1)  and upper (F2) resonant frequency?

To a first approximation you can use k = (F2-F1)/Fo. This gives an 
error of a few percent at typical TC k's around 0.2 or so. As k 
increases, the percentage error increases because F2 recedes to 
infinity and F1 drops to Fo/2 as k approaches 1. No flames from here 


>     I'm a 'digital guy' so please don't flame me too bad for not knowing my
> network theory too well ;)
>     I got the impression *somewhere* that k = sqrt( F2/F1 - 1 ). However, I
> suspect this may not be correct, and I can't figure out where I found this
> tidbit.
>     And I keep finding what appears to be some contradictory information as
> I seach some the archives.
>     I think I understand the 'count the number of half cycles per notch'
> method, but my lack of appropriate HV/HA probe is preventing me from getting
> a clean enough look at the ringdown on the scope to do this reliably...
> Thanks, any help appreciated!
> db