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Re: putting variacs in parallel?

Original poster: "Richard W." <potluck-at-xmission-dot-com> 

Hi Adam,

I have 6 Staco 2520's paralleled.
Each output is tied in series with the secondary of a heavy filament
transformer. The primaries are also connected in series in a loop. This
works rather well.

Out of curiousity I've measured each of the outputs of the variacs at the
wiper terminal and found a difference of 1.6 vac max between the lowest and
highest variac.

The transformers I'm using for "chokes" can be found on Ebay Item
#2558346951. They've been selling these for the past 6 months or more so
they must have a grundel of them. The secondary windings look like #8 wire.
They were calling these filament transformers when I bought mine but now I
see they're calling them power transformers. Whatever they are these work
really well for chokes.

Rick W.
Salt Lake City

----- Original Message -----
From: Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 7:14 PM
Subject: putting variacs in parallel?

 > Original poster: Beans45601-at-aol-dot-com
 > Can someone post a website that shows how to put variacs in parallel? And
 > what the specs (if any) of each variac should be.
 > Thanks
 > Adam