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Re: Leaky Pig

Original poster: FIFTYGUY@xxxxxxx


    Here's a follow up. Thanks for all who replied!

1. Yes, it has a functional un-shipping-plugged screw-in vent. However, the cap was on there pretty darn good (age). Attached to the inside of the cap is a chain, the other end of which is attached to the spring-loaded vent valve. Vent valve moves freely via chain.

    Removed top cover.

2. Oil level is below vent level by a couple inches. Below level of low-voltage bushings. Just barely covers bottom of high-voltage bushings. Personally, I think it should be an inch or so higher, but at least it covers the bottoms of the high-voltage bushings.

3. Oil is dripping off every internal surface of the thing, even the top bolts that hold the HV bushing flanges on, and the fasteners for the low-voltage connections. These are well above the level of the oil, and I did not slosh the oil when removing the top. I feel that the oil must have some sort of "creep" property, or simply enough vapor pressure for it to coat everything inside its vessel.

4. I did not remove or disassemble a HV bushing. But I did notice that the center conductor does seem to be solid all the way from the top of the outside connection (threaded copper) to the bottom of the interior bushing connection. If a seal is faulty or missing along that conductor, then there's nothing preventing the oil from slowly working its way out.

5. I think the exterior HV connection may be a little unusual. There's simply the threaded copper 3/8" "stud", with a nut and washer. However, pictures of other pigs show the "clamp" style connectors, similar to what's on the low-voltage terminals. My washers leave small holes to the sides exposed in the top of the HV bushings, from whence I'm assuming the oil is issuing.

I'm going to plug the top interior of the HV bushings with RTV silicone. Although someone said they tried that without success (and I have low expectations without thoroughly degreasing the surfaces), I hope it will slow the escape of oil to something tolerable. At the moment, I've got a pool 3 feet by 1 foot soaking into the cement under the pig.
Oil smells like Silly Putty. Is it silicone based?

-Phil LaBudde