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Re: John Hutchison

Original poster: "john cooper" <tesla-at-tesla-coil-dot-com> 

Maybe someone can subscribe to the service on Coast to Coast radio's 
website and download the interview, capture the file and post it where all 
can access it, it's worth transcribing.  I'm not a subscriber, I just 
listen to this show semi-regularly as it's broadcast on a nearby San Diego 
station and just happened to tune it in and caught the entire John 
Hutchison interview.  Almost all of country is covered by this radio show, 
look for a station in your area on their site.  http://www.coasttocoastam-dot-com/

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Date:  Fri, 21 May 2004 12:21:13 -0600

 >Original poster: "Hydrogen18" <hydrogen18-at-hydrogen18-dot-com>
How are we supposed to listen to the show...it costs money.
 >  Original poster: "john cooper" <tesla-at-tesla-coil-dot-com>

For those that missed it, last night there was a 4 hour radio interview 
with John Hutchison that was very interesting.  The show is archived and 
can be listened to from the following link, look for the Tuesday, May 18, 
2004 show, there's also a brief summary:
The interview is both directly and indirectly related to Tesla Coils, he 
described his 'Hutchison Effect' as being made possible thru the use of 
Tesla Coils, his acquiring of Tesla's actual old wire to accurately build 
replicas of many of Tesla's devices and how this was key to his later work, 
he also makes reference to Richard Hull and Charles Yost.  John also talks 
a bit about his meeting with a few of Tesla's acquaintances.  I'd say that 
interview was shot thru with Tesla material and should be found highly 
interesting to any of us on this list, might even inspire a few new lines 
of TC research, you never know.