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Re: EBAY auctions and SNIPING - tesla coil parts - also, coilers in Bellingham, WA area?

Original poster: dh-at-synthstuff-dot-com 

Don Lancaster (the original TV Typewriter and various CMOS, Analog, Filter, 
TTL cookbooks) has an excellent and deep website that is worth drilling into.

He has a couple of good articles on eBay from both the seller and the 
buyers perspective.

The page to start at is here:  http://www.tinaja-dot-com/auct01.asp
He has a bunch of PDF articles.

The buyers articles cover sniping and auction buying in general.
The sellers articles cover the text copy and photographs you need and how 
to produce them.

The neat thing for sellers is that an extra hours work can net over $100 in 
higher bids -- how often can you make $100/hour...

ALSO:  We recently moved up to Bellingham, WA area.  We are about 30 miles 
from Abbotsford, BC.
Any coilers in this area?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: EBAY auctions and SNIPING - tesla coil parts

>Original poster: "David Rieben" <drieben-at-midsouth.rr-dot-com>
>As  more of a buyer than a seller, I'd have to agree with Dan as well.
>I HAVE indeed gotten some nice toys at good bargains by placing a
>snipe bid in the last few seconds of an auction. Of course I don't al-
>ways win by doing this as no one is gonna win every auction that he
>or she bids on but I have won some. Also, it's good to look for things
>outside of headings like "Tesla" or "high voltage" sometimes as this
>tends to thin the competition a bit ;^) I recently picked a nice twin
>1256-D Powerstat  w/bal. choke in a 19" rack cabinet with wiring and a
>digital ammeter (343 lbs on a pallet) for a grand total of $225
>(this included the freight charges for delivery). I was the only one
>who bid on it so I got it for the minimum opening bid ($99.95).
>This was not listed as "Tesla" or even "Variac", just Powersat,
>and that's probably the reason that there wasn't any competitive
>bids on it. Oops, here I am telling everybody my secrets ;^)))
>David Rieben
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 9:46 PM
>Subject: Re: EBAY auctions and SNIPING - tesla coil parts
> > Original poster: "Eastern Voltage Research Corporation"
> >
> > I disagree with that wholeheartedly.
> > If you want to win an item, you need to SNIPE at the last minute 
> using > one
> > of the services such as Auction Stealer or similar.
> > By putting in bids ahead of time, you tell other bidders (and snipers)
> > there is additional interest, so they may up their SNIPE bids
> > a lot more than what they would put originally.
> >
> > So wait to the very end and take your best shot, otherwise, you and some
> > other non-sniper may drive up the price too much in the
> > first few days of auction.
> >
> > Of course, Gary is a seller, so its not in *his* interest to get a lot > of
> > snipers.  He wants the highest price possible!
> >
> > Dan
> >
> >
> >  > If you want to buy something on ebay you can NOT wait until the 
> last > 30
> >  > seconds of the auction to fire away a bid because there are 35 other
> > people
> >  > all doing the same thing.  After you loose the bid there is not > enough
> > time
> >  > to bid again.   The best thing to do is deside how much you are > really
> >  > willing to pay for an item then place the bid and forget about it. > If
> > you
> >  > get outbid there will be another day and another auction.   Don't > 
> worry
> >  > about it.  On the other hand if there is an item for sale that you > can
> >  > live without bid very very high and you will most definately win.
> > Example,
> >  > there was an item on ebay that I wanted and I knew that no one with a
> > brain
> >  > would bid more than $75.00 on it so I bid $500.00 and won the 
> auction > 5
> >  > days later at $62.00.   It makes no sense at all to increase a bid a
> >  > dollars thinking you will win because in a few hours someone else > will
> >  > the same thing.  It is a total waste of time to keep checking the
> >  > over and over days after day and bidding again and again 
> increasing > the
> > bid
> >  > a few dollars each time.   Give it your best bid on the very FIRST > bid
> > then
> >  > turn off the computer and don't check it ever again until after the
> > auction
> >  > has ended.  In another month or so when the weather starts to get 
> bad > I
> >  > will be listing lots of TC stuff on ebay.  I have been cleaning out > my
> > work
> >  > shop and selling things on ebay for 3 years and I still can not tell
> >  > anything is missing from my work shop.
> >  >
> >  > Gary Weaver
> >
> >