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Re: tiger strip hv resisters

Original poster: Steve Ward <steve.ward@xxxxxxxxx>

You said "15VK"?  Did you mean 15 KV?

Im gonna say its rated 11.25W.  15kv/20megs says the max current
should be .75mA rms.  .75^2*20meg yields 11.25W dissipated.  Sounds OK
for a resistor of that size.  I think often HV resistors are rated for
a certian voltage due to the power they will dissipate, and somewhat
less for actual voltage breakdown.


On 5/24/05, Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Original poster: "Jim Mora" <jmora@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi, Does anyone know the wattage rating for a group tiger strip resistors. I
> acquired. They are:
>                                 15VK
>                                 20meg ohm
>                         #       B-453288-1
>                         Also  310x
> They are glass cased 4" long (101.6) mm x 1/2 " (12.7 mm).
> This network will become the critical bleeder of a lethal 4uf@30K DC
> Smoothing cap.
> Thanks,
> Jim Mora
> Oaji, Ca.