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Re: toroid

Original poster: "D.C. Cox" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxx>

We made a 10 ft dia x 30 inch cross section toroid for our Big Bruiser.

It's on our Teslathon DVD.

Dr. Resonance

5kg seems pretty light for a 40" toroid. I suppose the lighter the construction the better, as long as it's strong enough to survive handling. Some spun toroids dent very easily.

I think the John Freau 4" x 13" spun toroid probably weighs less than 500 grams, I would guess 250-300. I managed to dent mine on the trip to Cambridge :( I also have an 8" x 24" made from thicker aluminium that I guess weighs about 3kg. If it were 40" it would probably weigh at least 10kg.

Bill Wysock ordered what must be about the biggest spun toroid in the history of electrical engineering, for his humongous Model 13M coil. According to his site it was 8ft major diameter and weighed 275lbs. (125kg)

from the page http://www.ttr.com/model13a1.html

Steve Conner

"how much does this toroid weight? i just want to make a comparison with my
homemade fiberglass 40" toroid