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Re: A new mini-coil competition winner!

Original poster: "Dr. Resonance" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxx>

Were some of the core shunts on the nst removed? If so, the peak power levels can exceed the transformer ratings by a considerable margin as the cap charges so a "real time" oscope measurement would be required to determined the true curent peaks into the system.

Dr. Resonance

> Again, my guess is that the Freau factor is actually about 1.5,
> and that the efficiency is as expected.
> It would be good if Karl could measure the input power using a
> wattmeter

"Hi John, All,

     That has got to be the most succinct suggestion and reasonable
way to wrap up a discussion that I've seen in a long time.  Well Done !!"

i think here is exactly right place for these very wise words of Matt D.
: )))