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RE: Why am I getting small sparks? Am I underpowered? (fwd)

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Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 17:59:13 -0400
From: Crispy <crispy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Why am I getting small sparks? Am I underpowered? (fwd)

Have you gotten some kind of air flow through the gap yet?  You said
before that you didn't have a fan, have you added one?  A good way to
quench the spark gap is essential and is probably your problem.  It's
not only about cooling.


On Sat, 2007-08-11 at 15:02 -0600, Tesla list wrote:
> Moderator's note:
> We don't send images on the list,  but I'm happy to provide space on
> www.pupman.com for the images.  I'll try to get it on the site soon.
> Chip
>  I have attached a picture of my coil running today.  This is about as
> good as I can get it and I can't seem to increase the spark size any
> further for some reason.
> One thing that concerns me is the size of the spark gap.  I am currently
> running the spark gap at approx 1/2 inch which sounds like it is far too
> big from what people are telling me on here.  I have tried reducing it
> down to 1/4 inch but when I do that I don't get any sparks and it hardly
> makes any noise when its running.
> Even with the large spark gap size the spark gap doesn't seem to get very
> hot.  I have been running my coil in about 10 second bursts and the spark
> gap terminals are only warm to the touch after that.  There is certainly
> no threat of any overheating.
> Why am i getting such a lack of power with the 1/4 inch spark gap?
> Kind regards,
> Trevor.