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Re: [TCML] magnifier efficiency, was : Hi power/ little coil??

Hi Jim,

Richard also used some unique tricks, such as mounting the 3rd coil upside down from the ceiling to reduce E-field stress between the top and bottom of the coil. Richard also preferred using two smaller, higher voltage tank capacitors, one on each leg of the primary winding (as Tesla often did), with fairly large tank inductance to reduce peak tank currents and lower operating frequency, and to permit complete recharging between bangs even at very high break rates. Rapid break rates also add a uniquely "frantic" character to streamers. Truly a groundbreaking system in many areas. BTW, one of the original TCBOR members, David Sharpe, is currently on the TCML, and he's still actively doing experimental high power magnifier research.

Power into the TC primary circuit is directly proportional to the break rate only when the bang size is constant (as it usually is with a DC resonant or properly implemented SRSG system). Power output is considerably more variable, being primarily a function of coupling, gap quenching, and streamer loading.

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Jim Mora wrote:
Hello All,

I watched Richard's magnifier tape and was, and like many others,
immediately hooked on extreme arcs; though I think he was pouring in
something slightly over 5KW. Hi magic, I believe, was in his efficient
magnifier, Hugh top load, but of equal or more importance, the extreme brake
rate of his unique RSG. This would require smaller capacitance and higher
voltage, yes?

Richie Burnett states that the power out is directly proportional to the
break rate (within obvious limits). Is this true in non-resonate charging?
Somehow this can't be seen with the version of JAVAYC I use on John Frue's

Thanks for your input,
Jim Mora
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