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Re: [TCML] Tesla Coil Needed for Art Exhibition in Los Angeles (fwd)


No, the liability would extend to the manufacturer. That's why we rent; our policy dictates that a special operator accompany the machine to limit exposure. It would actually be WORSE to sell TCs to the public (we sell to large industrial clients; Universal, Cirque du Soleil, Science Museums, etc.).

As list owner, you should talk to your attorney about the exposure to liability taken on by TCML when it posts open-calls. Perhaps a TCML disclaimer that goes with each open-call would be in your best interest. You're not 1-800 Doctors in that you are not offering qualified referrals as might be implied.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Chip Atkinson" <chip@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>


Do you know if selling someone or some organization a coil would reduce
the liability of the vendor over operating or lending a coil to the same

My thought, now that you bring it up,  was the potential problem in the
form of liability for a list member to get involved if something went


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