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Re: [TCML] pole pig protection

    OK, so we've established that pigs are NOT  indestructible, and certainly 
not indestructible in TC use. Heck, if you think  you've found something 
indestructible, just send it here and I'll prove you  wrong. If I can't break it, 
I'll just hand it over to a squad of Marines for a  few minutes. :)
    D.C. Cox has a lot of experience, and what works  for him is a cheap, 
simple, easy fix. That's possibility number one.
    I personally had issues with Bad Stuff getting  through my pig. I posted 
here recently about what I did to fix it - the tried  and true Terry Filter, 
simply scaled for pig use. It fixed my problems just  fine:
    and there was even some spirited discussion in a  later thread about the 
design choices I made.
    So there's no reason *not* to protect your pig.  Nothing to be learned - 
we know they are vulenrable. If you bought your pig, you  can afford "fancy" 
Terry Filter protection for it. If you got lucky and somebody  gave you a pig 
as charity, you can't afford to replace it, so at least put some  cheap chokes 
up there. 
-Phil LaBudde
Center for the Advanced Study of Ballistic  Improbabilities

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