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Re: [TCML] Terry Filter Question

Thanks Matt, I appreciate the advice.  Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: mddeming@xxxxxxx
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sat, Dec 12, 2009 1:23 pm
Subject: Re: [TCML] Terry Filter Question

i Dennis,

elcome back! 
he values of R & C determine the frequency response of the filter and should 
ot change for the 7.5 kV unit. You could use caps rated at 1/2 the voltage of 
hose for the 15 kV, although it won't hurt anything to use the same ones. Since 
our peak voltage is now half, and the MOV string determines the voltage 
lipping level, you would want to use half as many per side (rounded up if it's 
n odd number). Since the power level of the 7.5/60 is exactly half that of the 
5/60 you do not have to increase the VA ratings of any components, you could 
ecrease them, but it is not necessary.

ope this helps,
att D.

----Original Message-----
rom: otmaskin5@xxxxxxx
o: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
ent: Sat, Dec 12, 2009 11:02 am
ubject: [TCML] Terry Filter Question

ust getting back into coiling after a break since last winter (although I have 
ntinued to read the TCML posts).  It's good to be back & I have really missed 
e constantly nagging ozone-induced cough.  
nyway, I decided to start by rebuilding my little 9/30 coil & got it working 
ry well.  I then came acrossed a 7500/60 NST for a good price and the new 
ansformer has now replaced the 9/30 NST.  I got the coil working, but haven't 
nted to push to it too hard until I wire in a Terry filter.  It seems 7500/60s 
en't nearly as abundant as 9/30s.  
 had no problem finding info for buliding a Terry filter for my 15/60 coil, but 
aven't been able to find filter specs for a 7.5/60.  I think the component 
lues need to be different, particularly the MOVs.  Maybe different for other 
mponents too.  I'd appreciate it if one of you could point me in the right 
hanks,  Dennis Hopkinton MA
S - it's a static gap coil.
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