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Re: [TCML] Nearly First Firing

Hey Simon...

While reading your description one thing caught my eye... you mentioned that the caps are wired in paralell.... Are the caps themselves in paralell or you meant that the cap assembly is wired in paralell ( with what? the trannie or the primary?) If the caps themselves are wired in parallel then you have an issue. The caps should be wired in a series/paralell combination to create the cap assembly.

Scot D

Simon Dodd wrote:

Hi Guys,

I went for first light this evening!! Unfortunately there was nothing! My spark gap fires when there is no capacitor bank in place but as soon as I put my MMC into the circuit and connect the main parts of the coil, the spark gap stops firing :-( I am using a 10Kv NST with a static spark gap and 16, 20Kv 1000pf capacitors in parallel. These are from the calculations on deepfriedneon. The spark gap will fire if the lead to the outer ring of the primary is left unconnected.

Im sorry its not too clear, I can do a quick diagram if you want more info.

Thanks for your help again


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