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RE: [TCML] Capacitor encapsulent

> degrades rapidly.  The CDE caps we use in MMC's are
> actually constructed as two seriesed caps, with a "floating
> plate" between the two terminals, to effectively double the
> corona inception point.
> So, unless you build your DIY cap as several seriesed
> units, you will get corona and a compromised life
> expectancy, regardless of dielectric thickness.
> Regards, Gary Lau

I've read about the "floating plates" tactic before, but I'm not sure I understand it correctly.  I get how a number of caps wired in series will divide up the applied voltage.  Will a single cap using multilayer dielectric with floating plates between each layer accomplish the same end?  Do the "wired" plates and the "floating" plates divide up the voltage equally?  Just curious.

Gregory R. Hunter

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