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[TCML] VIDEO of variable speed vacuum fan RQ spark gap.

Here is a video of the variable speed vacuum fan RQ spark gap.  I threw this together very quick so it is not a very professional video but you will get the idea.

Since most people do not have a milling machine I think the best way for you folks to build this is to drill a row of 1/8" hole as close together as you can it will do the same thing as the slots that I milled in the side of the PVC pipe.

Most of the time the VSVFRQSG is running about 1/2 to 3/4 speed so it provides enough air flow to keep the spark gap cool.

Once you build it and experement a few times you will see how well it works.

When I get time I will hook it to a TC and get some video of the sparks getting longer and shorter as I change the fan speed with the variac.


-----Original Message-----
>From: gary350@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Sent: Nov 8, 2009 3:54 PM
>To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: [TCML] Pig based coil design.
>I can turn on my TC and measure the output sparks using a typical RQ spark gap with a 4" box fan.
>Then I can swap out the RQ gap with the 4" box fan for my variable speed vacuum fan RQ spark gap then turn on the TC.  As I turn up the speed of the fan I can see the output sparks get longer and longer.  When the fan reach a certain speed the sparks do not get longer.  If I speed the fan up faster the sparks start to get shorter.  There is a fan speed where it is very visible that the sparks have reached maximum length.  I have taken measurements and the sparks are always at least 5% longer some times more.
>I have a variable speed vacuum fan spark gap on a 4" coil, 6" coil and my 10" coil.  The same spark gap works on all the coils from 450 watts to 15KW.  
>The output on my 10" TC is 12 foot streamers to a target. I can change the speed of the fan the output gets shorter.  With the typical RQ spark gap with a 4" box fan the output is about 10" 6" so I am getting an extra 18" of output with the variable speed vacuum fan spark gap.
>I have noticed I get my best output when the humidity in the air is very low.  
>I have built 2 different styles of variable speed vacuum fan spark gap and the both work fine.  
>I will see if I can take some pics and upload them to photobucket and post the links here.  My son has a very large pile of auto parts stacked up in from of my TC stuff that I have not used in several years.  If I can get to the spark gap and connect it to a TC I might even be able to get a video and upload it to You Tube.  Today I am working on the camper and tomorrow I have another project to deal with so it may be a few days before I get around to the spark gap.
>Gary Weaver
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Quarkster <quarkster@xxxxxxx>
>>Sent: Nov 8, 2009 12:56 PM
>>To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>Subject: Re: [TCML] Pig based coil design.
>>Gary -
>>Two questions:
>>1.  You stated: "The variac tunes the spark gap to the exact speed to get 
>>maximum output."
>>     By "exact speed" you mean airflow rate, correct? There is no rotary 
>>spark gap, and the only variable is the amount of air passing throiugh the 
>>static spark gap?
>>2. By "12 foot arcs", you mean single arc channel or streamer, from topload 
>>to some other object, and not two simultaneous six-foot arcs from each side 
>>of your topload? In your photo, it looks like the coil is generating two 
>>simultaneous 5-6 foot arcs from each side of the spherical topload.
>>Herr Zapp
>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: <gary350@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>Sent: Saturday, November 07, 2009 3:05 PM
>>Subject: Re: [TCML] Pig based coil design.
>>> Ok.... what exactly are you looking for.  Plans you can copy?
>>> Here is a link to my 10" coil.  Secondary is 950 turns of #18 enamel 
>>> coated copper wire close wound on a 10" diameter PVC pipe.  Secondary coil 
>>> has 3 coats of polyurthane.  Primary coil flat would 1/4" copper tubing 
>>> 1/2" spacing with strike rail.  Variable speed vacuum fan RQ spark gap. 
>>> Capacitor is .035 uf 40K volts. The coil produces 12 foot arcs on about 
>>> 12KW at 14,000. volts.  The variac tunes the spark gap to the exact speed 
>>> to get maximum output.  I can dial in about 1 extra ft of output arc 
>>> length with the spark gap vacuum fan speed control.
>>> My suggestion is forget the rotary it is just a fancy over priced toy. 
>>> Build a variable speed vacuum fan spark gap.
>>> http://home.earthlink.net/~gary350/tc10-4.jpg
>>> I have a 15" diameter PVC pipe you can have it FREE if you come and get it 
>>> in Murfreesboro TN 37129.  I have a truck load of other diameter PVC pipe 
>>> 6", 8" and 10" it is all free to anyone that will come and get it.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Travis Tabbal <travis@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>Sent: Nov 5, 2009 10:58 AM
>>>>To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>Subject: [TCML] Pig based coil design.
>>>>I was wondering if someone had a JavaTC file they would be willing to 
>>>>for a chicken based coil. I was thinking secondary diameter in the 12"-24"
>>>>range. The chicken is 14.4Kv 10KVA. The gap will be rotary, not yet 
>>>>Tesla mailing list
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