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Re: [TCML] BunnyKiller ( aka Scot D) is back

On 11/15/2012 7:44 PM, mr. scot dingman wrote:
Hey All,

Been a few yrs since Ive been here but after looking at the power supplies
Coil assys. in the shop, it just got the best of me to return to coiling
Im going to have to rewind the BIGPIG secondary due to some water damage
received from Katrina....  been going thru some of the archived posts and
WOW there have been some awesome improvements on the solidstated end of
coiling... looks like there is alot more to learn about coiling from where
I left off....

Scot D     aka  Bunnykiller
Tesla mailing list
yes Scott, many.. And most posters on TCML don't even realize the 17 foot sparks just from Phil Slawinski's last coil he did with Cameron Prince.. Solid state coils are the BOMB.... I've almost given up on SG coils since realizing how much better solid state is (well, not SSTC so much, but big DRSSTC). It's great stuff and it's fun as hell. Been doing it a couple years now and I'm loving it. Since it's not SG stuff, I usually don't post here, but I'll take DRSSTC over any SG any day of the week.

Take care,
Tesla mailing list