
RE: Arcs off the fingers and getting killed in the process...

If anyone on the list is legally inclined, it may be worthwhile preparing a
disclaimer (or whatever you call it) that all coil related sites can put up.
This could save our butts in the event of legal action.

I would also like to congratulate the majority of coilers on the high level of
safety information on their pages. This is generally very good and I learnt
quite a few things about high voltage that I otherwise would have found out the
hard way.

That said, there are still a few misinformed sites out there, and had i jumped
in without some serious research time, i would probably be dead now. I also
think that there should be a universal safety document that can be linked
to/reproduced for our pages.

Justin G. 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Tesla List [<mailto:tesla@pupman.com>mailto:tesla@pupman.com] 
Sent: Friday, 4 February 2000 2:11 
To: tesla@pupman.com 
Subject: Re: Arcs off the fingers and getting killed in the process... 

Original Poster: Brent Turner <bturner@apc.net> 

As one of said stunt 'pro's... 

The bottom line is that in this day and age, ANYONE with enough 
curiosity and motivation will go and build the 'monster coil'. With the 
Internet and all, there isn't all that much we can do about it, and as 
Jeff P. mentioned, all it's going to take is one or two novices who 
don't have a clue to open a whole pandora's box of legal problems -- 
wanna see Tesla coils outlawed??? 

The key thing here (and pardon me if I get up on my soapbox...) is