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Re: Fwd: [303] Slymie in the news... (fwd)

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Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 20:56:54 -0600
From: Terrell Fritz <terrellfone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Fwd: [303] Slymie in the news... (fwd)

Hi All,

As I understand it...

Danielle Stampe's coil is made and operated by Brent Turner.  She and Brent
have certainly done work for KVA Effects and they have appeared on TV's
"Ripley's, believe it, or not" (in street clothes).  She is the most famous
of the female "fire off the fingers" Tesla coil stunt artists...  Next is
Cynder Moon who is an adult performer.  Danielle is typically in full
costume.  Cynder performances obviously show she is hiding nothing 8-))

The claims of 3,000,000 volts is "slightly" exaggerated ;-))  We'll say 250
to 450kV peak for those "technical" folks...  Greg Leyh's Electrum coil,
that does 30 foot arcs at 130kVA input, is estimated at 2 millions volts...
 Danielle's coil is about 1/50 of that power level...

"Voltage" through the body is not as precise as "current" through the body.
 Since the body is of fairly low resistance, most of the voltage is
external.  Peak current can be rather high, but such effects are well known
and appear to be minimally harmful.  Of course, "12 peak amps at 1% duty
cycle through the body" just does not have that "Hollywood ring" to it to
excite an audience as the "3 million volt woman" thing does...

Just as technically neat, but not as "chick", is Robert Krampf's science


Ok, you would rather see Danielle or Cynder wouldn't you ;o)))

I should note that Bob's head band is not wired and the streamer supply
currents are going through his head, brain, vessels, nerves, and all...  In
the 25 years Bob has been doing this, he has noted no ill effects other
than the loud streamers hurting his ears.  Bob's self experiments make the
rest of use feel a lot safer around Tesla coils.  If Bob has lived this
long, those of us that stand 10 feet away from coils have nothing worry
about ;-))

Dean Ortner and his Christian outreach Sermon is the most famous of the males:


Dean is rather interesting in that he lets his finger nails burn black (no
metal thimbles)...

Of course, we highly discourage anyone from doing such stunts.  One could
easily get killed if a wide variety of things go wrong...  The first of the
three known Tesla coiling deaths was attributed to this stunt being
performed by a true master of the art, but on a bad day...:


The Tesla list had a lively thread known as "Arcs off the fingers and
getting killed in the process..." early in 2000....  An "art" only for the
highly expert, or the highly stupid...

