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Re: Van de Graaff /Pelletron (fwd)

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Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 14:17:26 -0800
From: Jim Lux <jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Van de Graaff /Pelletron (fwd)

> Interesting article, particularly all that stuff about voltage
> control.  Thanks!
> I've been doing some searching around online looking for possible VDG
> parts.  While looking at conveyor systems on ebay this morning (in
> the few minutes of calm while our 22 month old triplets were eating
> breakfast!), it occurred to be that a ready made drive system for an
> actively charged VDG could probably be scavenged from a belt sander.
> One of the big floor standing models might be perfect...just chop it
> up.  I might have to try this.  Thoughts?

Indeed.. finding the crowned pulley cheap is always difficult, and the wide
belt sander might be just the ticket.  Maybe a floor sander (are they rotary
or belt?)  Actually, calling around to "machinery dealers" might find used
stuff.  Surely they do something with old belts and hardware when they strip
a factory (probably dumpster it.. but, if you happen to call at the right
time, etc.)

Of course, if you have access to a machine shop, then making such a pulley
is trivial.. an hour on the lathe, and you'd be done. You might even be able
to use a wood lathe, since the pulley isn't supporting all that big of a
load, a wood pulley might work just fine.