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RE: X-ray Power Supplies / bad oil (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 16:51:34 -0400
From: Norman F. Stanley <nfs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>, hvlist <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: X-ray Power Supplies / bad oil (fwd)

At 09:53 PM 9/25/04 -0600, High Voltage list wrote:
>Original poster: <sroys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2004 08:58:40 -0500
>From: Carl Litton <Carl_Litton@xxxxxxxxxx>
>To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>, resonance@xxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: X-ray Power Supplies / bad oil
>Yes, thank you, Doc.  I had heard this.  I need to devise a test to
>detect the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls.
>Also, what would be a good replacement oil if this becomes necessary?
>Carl Litton

If the oil is combustible it's not a PCB.  If it doesn't burn, and if the 
donor won't take it back, you might see it your local electric utility 
company will take it off your hands

I once had over 600 lb. of GE capacitors which contained Pyranol PCB oil 
and were acquired during the war surplus glut of the late forties (that 
dates me for sure!).  At that time the PCB problem had not been 
recognized.  Years later I got my power company to take them for 
disposal.  Their bill was just under $1100, which I considered a bargain 
for the peace of mind.  The fact that my niece works for the company and 
referred me to their hazmat team probably helped.

I think the EPA limit for PCB contamination is somewhere in the low PPM 
range (ridiculous IMAO), so you might want  to dispose of the entire unit, 
not just what oil you can drain off.
