
ignitron tubes

hi, thanks for the feedback regarding the ignitron tubes, they are quite  a unique device in 
there day,being used in high current welding to high  current dc supplies for dc cranes, ore 
bridges,dc elevators,electromagnets,railway services the list goes on and on .the ignitron tube 
can be used in inverse parallel config. for full cycle service each one tube passing current 
during it's own half-cycle they are very similar to scr's and triac's,instead of a gate you have 
an internal ignitor(usually made of boron carbide) dipping into a mercury pool which fires on the 
positive part of the cycle,ignitron tubes are then fired by thyratrons which are there mini 
counter parts,most of these have a mercury vapor inside.the big tubes can handle 600+volts,now 
here is the problem for all you tesla person's, how do we operate these tubes at 15 to 30kva at 
80 to 120khz? do we fire the ignitors with a rotary gap of hi voltage dc? i hope that this will 
get someones juices flowing,if not maybe a little view into past technologies?
                                       looking for feedback