
Spark Gaps

The other night I did a search at www.altavista.digital-dot-com on "spark
gap" (do use the " marks in the filling form) and found these gems.

spark gap transmitter	http://www.sns.it/~cerri/spark.html 
analysis of a spark-gap transmitter with sounds of both quenched and
rotary gaps. (note: the sounds were/are not available yet, but I'm
waiting for them) there will be pictures of spectrograms of the
received waveform.

spark gap		http://hibp.ecse.rpi.edu/~chowm/nitrogen.html
graphs and operation manual for spark gaps on a febetron (field
emission beta ray device) triggered spark gaps are used in a marx
generator to generate the high voltage for a beta ray generator.
Graphs and operating instructions are available. 

spark ignition	http://www.forbrf.lth.se/htmlavd/avdrapp/si.htm
An interesting page on gasoline engine spark ignition with theory and
math. Also, methods of using the conducting spark gap to measure the
burning mixture.

I hope you find these URLs as interesting as I did. I've only looked a
3 or 4 of the 20 pages of search results so far.
