

1) Really Pure water is a lovely dielectric.  Some of the energy i use to
send this comes down a 1 MV DC tie to Hydro-Quebec in Canada, the terminal
station is about 10 mi from here.  Got the tour once.  SCR swiches, stacked,
to hold off the 1M are triggered by optical lines, to synthesize 60Hz
three phase.  They are cooled by a wonderful, high tech, environementally
safe insulating fluid.  (You peeked...)  Really Pure Water...

2) Having flogged thru the 'where is the charge thread', i ponder:  what sort
of experiment WITH A VACUUM CAP can be done to investigate?
'boxing the vacuum' adds more dielectrics, which will confound the investigator.
Possibly a purpose built cap, with movable plates, maybe rollable, like a
window shade (all inside the vacuum...) space.

	unroll electrodes.
	deroll electrodes.

	IS there 'something' on the vacuum?  

	Mayhap build in two sets of electrodes.
	charge with -first- set.
	roll up first set.
	unroll second set.

	Do they show a charge?

3) The last couple of issues of Scientific American have had some vacuum
technique articles that may be of interest.
