
source of TC-related info ??

Hello all,

While browsing the newsgroup sci.physics.electromag I noticed the article
I've included to this message. It would IMHO be a logical step to ask for
such a report (if truly possible) for keywords like "tesla" or "slow-wave
helical resonator" or "spark-gap" etc.  and then post the list.. It might
indicate some interesting articles - wasn't it 50 years that it takes for
a paper to become non-classified? :)


[quote begins]
>From nntp.hut.fi!news.csc.fi!news.eunet.fi!EU-dot-net!news-peer.gsl-dot-net!news.gsl-dot-net!ix-dot-netcom-dot-com!news Fri Oct 11 14:22:21 1996
Path: nntp.hut.fi!news.csc.fi!news.eunet.fi!EU-dot-net!news-peer.gsl-dot-net!news.gsl-dot-net!ix-dot-netcom-dot-com!news
From: Michael Ravnitzky <MikeRav-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com>
Newsgroups: sci.physics.electromag
Subject: List of Declassified Govt Reports on Electromagnetic Physics
Date: Tue, 08 Oct 1996 23:02:25 -0600
Organization: Netcom
Lines: 36
Message-ID: <325B31E1.4A18-at-ix-dot-netcom-dot-com>
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X-NETCOM-Date: Tue Oct 08 11:00:53 PM CDT 1996
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01E (Macintosh; U; PPC)

Do you want to get a list of rare or hard to find technical reports on  
electromagnetics, magnetic fields, magnets, magnetism, electrical 
fields, EMF, generators, alternators, etc. etc.

I have been studying the release and declassification of Defense
Department technical reports.  It turns out that there are hundreds of 
thousands of technical reports in almost every subject area that are 
not classified, but are still NOT accessible to civilian researchers.

However, any person can get a complete list of these otherwise
unavailable tech reports for any specific scientific or technical 
subject area you want---physical sciences, engineering, biological 
sciences, and social sciences.  Simply send a letter of request to 
Kelly D. Akers, Freedom of Information Act Manager, Defense Technical 
Information Center, Attn:  DTIC-RSM, 8725 John J. Kingman Road, Suite 
0944, Fort Belvoir, VA  22060-6128.  You should not need to call, but 
just in case, her phone number is 703-767-9194.

In the letter, explain that you would like a complete 
computer-generated technical report bibliography for reports 
associated with the subjects and keywords  XXXXXXX or YYYYYYY or 
ZZZZZZZ.  Select your keywords carefully, no more than one dozen per 
request.  Use the word OR between keywords.

Indicate whether you are a for-profit company, or a noncommercial
requester.  Fees are not likely to be more than a couple of dollars, 
butindicate in the letter that you will be willing to pay fees up to 
$20 without additional permission.  This last sentence is important; 
DTIC will not process your request without that statement.

Once you get the list of reports, you can select the ones of greatest 
interest or value and ask for those specific reports with another 

Mike Ravnitzky
[quote ends]

Please notice that I don't know the person who posted this
nor if the information is valid but it seems like worth
a try..

Kristian Ukkonen.

| Kristian Ukkonen       |  Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law |
| kukkonen-at-alpha.hut.fi  |_____  Chance favours the prepared mind  |-------
| http://www.hut.fi/~kukkonen |  Fear is the mind-killer  |---------
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