
Re: SERIOUS QUESTION and why we may be out of this hobby!

Tesla List wrote:
> Subscriber: knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net Sun Jan  5 20:41:14 1997
> Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 22:21:18 -0600
> From: Kevin <knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: SERIOUS QUESTION and why we may be out of this hobby!
> Well, I contacted a friend at a TV station and he advised me that the FCC
> says (NEW LAW) that tesla coils,plasma balls, and similar devices fall under
> this new law and if you are caught operating them could face serious fines.
> Information unlimited also says that plasma balls will no longer be sold due
> to this law, what is going on here????????????????????????????????????
> I asked him about shielding my coil so the neighbors would not complain
> about phones being knocked out, the TV and computers going crazzzzy and
> stereo speakers buzzing. All these are things my neighbors are complaining
> about to ME at this time, he says there was a nightclub in CA that was shut
> down and fined due to a tesla coil and plasma balls operating there. Can
> this be true? The way he is talking they can see my coil operating on a
> spectrum analizer at their office and can tell where it is comming from,
> this is crazy! Or is he crazy???
> Could anyone please let me know the official laws or law pertaining to
> spark-gap devices and or tesla devices, and also what about the ban on sales
> of plasma balls?
> Look at information unlimited's web site about the plasma issue.
> Very much thanks
>    ********************************************
>    * T   E   S   L   A      C   O   I   L   S *
>    ********************************************
> Kevin Nardelle  


I don't know about any new law.  I am not surprized at anything that 
happens in California.  They will probably start fining parents for 
clandestinely teaching their children the "kings" English soon instead of 

The guy at the TV station did a great job of putting the fear of God into 
you.  The FCC has no way of isolating the average Tesla coil's location 
without being in the neighborhood while you are running it.  If we do our 
coils up right, they will just not radiate very far at all.   Their best 
loop antenna locator to pinpoint your location is the wonderful, 
understanding and kindly neighbors you have.  If you have pissed them off 
or if they are the normal knee jerk response type neighbor, then you are 
doomed.  In this electronic world of Cable TV, the internet, computers, 
1000 watt stereos, electric can openers, electric toilet seats, etc. You 
must not encroach on your neighbors fun with your fun or he'll squash you 
like a bug!!! 

The FCC has had so many TVI/RFI complaints, most computer related in 
appartment complexes, that it was offically announced a couple of years 
ago, that they would no longer investigate individual complaints anymore. 
 However, they might want to make a high profile "raid" on the big bad TC 
man, especially if enough complaints come in which specifically site a 
TESLA COIL as the culprit!!  This would show their bosses, and public in 
general, they are on the job and kickin' butt.

If you are in California or any other "noveau ecology" concious area 
which seeks to bind the hands of the amateur investigator so that they 
won't hurt themselves, or put to bother the great unwashed masses of 
humanoid 9 to 5 cattle, then you may well have to shut it down.  I hope 
all is resolved without conflict in your case.  You might do as I do.  
Operate you stuff in non-key TV or relaxatin times.  It would seem you 
have already lost the abiltiy to lie to your neighbors about your having 
a coil. (which is always the best first line of defense.)...  Claim 
ignorance.... or if they hear noise say the noise is a big table saw in 
your shop. 

 A good ole boy next door will allow a buddy to cut up wood and allow a 
little TVI, but if you thinks you are a silly science femine type 
operatin' one o' them dangerous "coils", he will be much less tolerant 
and turn you in like any good nazi in less time than it takes to quench 
an arc.

All the best of luck.  Again, I have heard of no new Federal laws on TC 
related devices.  I do know that there are always a lot of new 
federal laws coming onto the books and I definitely know of no recent 
ones that make any sense.

"The government that governs least, governs best.   - Thomas Jefferson

This is known as the Jeffersonian principle.

Richard Hull, TCBOR