
Re: Strange Coil Pictures

At 10:36 PM 1/18/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Subscriber: DavidF4797-at-aol-dot-com Sat Jan 18 22:31:53 1997
>Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 15:28:57 -0500 (EST)
>From: DavidF4797-at-aol-dot-com
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Strange Coil Pictures
>I am looking to find out more about a photo of a coil that appears on
>KneelyNet BBS [http://www.bdsnet-dot-com/~tabastian/images/hardy1.gif] which
>shows what is referred to as a tesla coil driving a pyramid shaped
>terminator.  This terminator seemingly results in a double helix corona
>spiral off the top of it (real neat if its real).  
>Was wondering if anyone on the list who has done some coil discharge
>photography could render an opinion of the likelyhood of the photo being
>Also wondering if anyone would have more info about how to reach the creator
>(Doug Benjamin?) so as to find out the speks of the pyramid shape and
>particulatly what happens at the top (apex) of the pyramid.
>Does anyone know anything about "Vanguard Sciences?" Sounds a bit fringe to


I looked and also sent the request to Jerry, I believe that it might be
corona comming off a double helix made of wire or a strip of metal. I do not
believe that a coil could produce a double helix spark under any condition
or with the use of anything but a conductive double helix placed on the top
of the coil.

I agree it looks like a fake.

                                            Kevin Nardelle

   * T   E   S   L   A      C   O   I   L   S *
Kevin Nardelle   knardell-at-accesscom-dot-net
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