
Re: RE- Re: Polyethylene

Subject:  Re: RE- Re: Polyethylene
  Date:   Tue, 17 Jun 1997 11:49:52 +0500
  From:   "Alfred A. Skrocki" <alfred.skrocki-at-cybernetworking-dot-com>
    To:   Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>

Mon, 16 Jun 1997 18:29:00 GMT Robert Michaels

> <The otherwise esteemed and appreciated Alfred Skrocki takes umbrage>:

I think my intentions are being mis-interpreted! 

> T>For anyone contemplating melting down polyethylene milk jugs to mold
> T>into capacitor plates it should be relatively easy to make and air
> T>tight glove box and flood it with nitrogen before melting the jugs.
> T>Of course one would have to use electric hot plates since nitrogen
> T>won't support combustion.
>         It would be possible, practical is another matter.  If any
>         are serious about this, the use of carbon dioxide ought
>         to be considered.  Nitrogen is used industrially (it's avail-
>         able from welding supplies dealers) but carbon dioxide is
>         generate-able at home with little trouble.

I favored nitrogen because carbon dioxide will get involved in more 
chemical reactions than nitrogen will, typically.

> T>The reason for even considering it is because some people like those
> T>in Australia for example have great difficulty getting usable
> T>polyethylene
>         I'm frankly incredulous.  Unless one is talking about the
>         outback, Australia is  =quite=  civilized.  Sydney for example
>         is about as urbane and sophisticated as city could be --
>         I beg edification from any better informed.
>            I humbly apologize to all our Australian friends for
>            the implication contained in your post!

It wasn't meant to be insulting in any way but polyethylene of a 
grade and in dimensions usable for capacitor construction is not easy 
to find in Australia, or at least thats what I've been told!

> T>I'ts all relative Robert, if one can't find useable polyethylene then
> T>it is not so crazy to try and make it, besides if one did find an
> T>easy way to recycle polyethylene milk jugs into H.V. capacitors
> T>it would be of great assistance to the environment.
>         I suppose.
>         Let me give you a far-field example -- why I believe my
>         "head examined" quip is not as sarcastic as you may be
>         (all too) willing to believe.
>         Coca-Cola is to be found in virtually every country in
>         the world, with precious few exceptions.  It comes in
>         plastic bottles.   Such is the extent to which civiliz-
>         ation has penetrated the world community.
>         It is very difficult to picture a country where one can
>         buy Coke, but could not find a plastic bag or two.

Ah but you need a bit more than a "plastic bag" to make good H.V. 
Actually Robert, in terms of making polyethylene sheets for capacitor 
construction from scrap supplies of polyethylene, like milk jugs and 
the like - well I find that appealing even for my self! And I live in 
the city of Philadelphia where plastics dealers are a plenty! I like 
the idea primarily because of it's positive impact on the environent!
besides I don't like working with over 20 sheets of thin plastic when 
rolling a capacitor, it would be much nicer working with single 
thicker sheets, but with out the outrageous price that the plastics 
dealers ask!


                              \\  ~ ~  //
                               (  -at- -at-  )
                           Alfred A. Skrocki
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