
Buyers War both sides/intro (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 18:44:03 +0000
From: Jan Wuesten <Jan.Wuesten-at-pupman-dot-com>
Reply-To: wuesten-at-HRZ1.HRZ.TU-Darmstadt.De
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: Buyers War both sides/intro

Hello, everybody.
First, I want to introduce myself as a new member of this list.
It interests me more from a theoretical matter as I have very little 
time left.
 I deal with all sorts of "unusual" electronic and electric 
components and so I know both sides: seller and buyer and I want to 
state that most of the people I met pay their bills without problems 
and vice versa.

I can only agree: being honest and fair is the nerve of serious 

I hope I didnīt bore you too much :-)
If you wish to know more about me, feel free to visit my homepage.

Frag'Jan Zuerst -----Ask Jan First
Jan Philipp Wuesten Elektronik
Ernst-Ludwig Strasse 16
D- 64372 Ober Ramstadt
Phone: +49-6154-29160
Fax  : +49-6154-29161
please visit me at
http://www.tu-darmstadt.de/~wuesten   (German)
http://www.tu-darmstadt.de/~wuesten/engindex.htm (English)
or mail to