
Direction of Winding

From:  Pete [SMTP:casius-at-cyberserv.co.za]
Sent:  Sunday, August 16, 1998 1:45 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Direction of Winding

Hi to all,

Have been non active for a while. Re-subscribed on Sat 15 Aug.

After finally getting +/-650mm discharge from a single RCA 5762 triode,
have put the valve coils to one side for a while so I can put some
effort into my NST unit. Have now 2 x 12kv/30ma NST's on the 4" coil but
I'm still not exceeding 12" - 14" sparks. Can't think of any reason for
the poor results. Question :-
Does direction of winding affect coil performance. ie Secondary wound
clock wise and primary the same direction which is my present situation.
Or does the primary have to be wound anti clock wise??. The other reason
could be my toroid which could be too small. (9" dia using 1.5"
corrugated PVC tube.). My spark gap is a static gap using 8 1/2" Cu
tubes 1.5" long and spaced 0.015". Should I use more gaps??. Have bought
some 22 gauge wire for a 6" coil which may perform better. I plan to
have a total winding height of 18". Any comments??.

I recall before unsubscibing a month ago that there was some mail re 2 x
MOT's wire out of phase and achieving +/- 12kV. Has any one tried
this??.  At 500 watts I guess a large inductor would be required in
series with the incoming 220VAC to reduce the current down to say 90 or
100 mA's.

Regards to All
Pete Scully
South Africa