
Re: Secondary Frequency(fwd)

From: "Barton B. Anderson" <mopar-at-uswest-dot-net>

Now I understand the rule. Yes, your right of course. If for some reason
you want
to hit a particular frequency, over-wind and cut it down. I LIKE IT!  Of
the second half of the fun are calcs and theorizing what variables /
unknowns got
in the way. BTW, excellent post!!

> The old 25% bit came from an old test of about 20 coilers who were asked to
> use their
> best calcs for finding three resonators resonant freq.  This was done at
> one of the
> first Tesla conferences, if memory serve me correctly.  The resonators were
> deliberately skewed to the extremes like 80:1 and 1:40 with weird
> diameters, etc.
> The results were on the order of +/- 25% which showed that the equations
> were pretty
> dimensionally valuless and based on median coil dimensions. (radio work).
>  Before someone screams foul.  It is obvious the equations were not based
> on some
> physically linked scientific underpinning or they would work at extremes.
> They can,
> of course, have extra terms (codicils) added to encompass these, but they
> would be
> non-linear patches to a leaky boat.
> My hyperbole was aimed more at the expected disparate results than at true
> quantification.  Perhaps for a good modern 3:1 coil with numerous choice
> equations de
> jour it might narrow to +/- 10%.  The list had some real flyers which even
> made this
> range seem extremely generous.
> Richard Hull, TCBOR
> P.S.  I'll also speak to Mr. Couture's note about being saddened that I did
> not
> submit my guesstimate from my own personal calcs.  I figure my calcs are
> certainly no
> better than the other guys!  I'm nothing special!  I do use calcs to keep
> me from
> wandering +/-100Khz off of some design goal which is never really all that
> precise in
> the beginning anyway!
> Beyond all this, I find Tesla folks who design for a specific finished
> frequency a
> bit suspect and ------ retentive anyway.  Are they transmitting critical
> related information to Venusians or their space brothers?
> Armed with my signal generator, an LED, my calculations, a winding machine,
> a saw,
> wire cutters and more or less wire,..... I can hit any frequency from 10khz
> to 2mhz
> to within +/- 1% and do it every time.  But why??
>  The big secret I have tried to keep for all these years is now
> revealed........Over
> wind and saw backwards into your critical space brother frequency!.....Th'
> cat's
> outta' th' bag.  I hope you guys are happy now.
> Calcs can keep one from making big mistakes prior to winding, and give some
> relative
> comparisons. Even if erronious they usually track OK.  So use your favorite
> calcs
> with confidence, but rest assured without great precision.  RH