
Re: SCR/Triac pig controller? (fwd)

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Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 13:39:16 PDT
From: Bill the arcstarter <arcstarter-at-hotmail-dot-com>
To: haba-at-cc.hut.fi, tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: SCR/Triac pig controller?

Harri wrote:

>The basic problem is that once the spark gap fires the load is like
>a short circuit. This will kill the controller.

But the extra inductive and resistive ballasting (same as needed on 
variac powered pigs) will reduce this short circuit current to a 
tolerable level.

I picked a particular phase-control SCR out of my Int'l Rectifier book - 
the 80R1A40.  This stud-mounted component will carry an average rms 
current of 125 amps, with a Itsm of 1700 amps.  If my understanding of 
this rating is correct - this component will survive a momentary (one 
half cycle?) pulse of 1700 amps.

Surely the extra ballast will prevent the current from going this high.

>A proper approach would be to detect the overload and then 
>commute the tryristor/GTO/whatever off before current has got too 
>large. This will need some inductance to limit current risetime. 
>Current cannot rise too high before the output has been "turned off". 
>Not an easy task.

How the heck do you commute an SCR off before the end of the half 
cycle???  Please give me a hint!  Is this technique used in the 
industrial cycloconvertors (which I know are SCR-based but I can't see 

(The multi-thousand horsepower electric motors at a local steel mill run 
off 6-phase 9 to 21 HZ power which is produced via solid state 
conversion techniques.  The plant is fed by 330 KV 60Hz 3-phase...)

>Further complications would be stuff like imbalance in the 
>transformer core which might saturate it if this is not handled with. 
>Some other problems exist too.

Any way this can be handled w/o having an extra sense wire on the 
transformer core?? :(  My pig didn't come with one! :)

Thanks for any suggestions.  Perhaps we should continue this discussion 
off the list?  I'd be interested in your comments along these lines...


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