
Re: Primary types (fwd)

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Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 12:32:51 EDT
From: Esondrmn <Esondrmn-at-aol-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: Primary types (fwd)

In a message dated 98-05-21 14:29:11 EDT, you write:

 Hi all
 Can any body on the list give me some advice on building a cone shaped
 primary coil.I will be usuing 3/16 copper pipe for the coil and 3/8
 copper pipe as a strike rail.I need to know number of turns,space
 between turns,space between first turn and the secondary,angle of the
 coil and what you guys use as supports etc.... 
 The secondary is 4.37" by 13.7" with 520 turns of wire.The wire is .64mm
 The secondary has a frequency of 267kHz.
 The power supply is 10Kv at 50mA.
 Cheers Mike(Love that ozone)Tucknott


The first large primary that I built was with 3/8" tubing on .75" centers.  14
turns wound on a 30 degree saucer shaped acrylic form with 8.0" I.D. produced
about 87 uh.  It worked well but I just rebuilt it in a flat pancake form.
This will be a good test as I plan to run the coil again with the only change
being the primary design.  It will be interesting to compare the performance
of both types of primaries.  My smaller (3.0" dia) coil uses a flat primary
made of #10 solid copper wire and works well.  I would suggest a flat pancake
shape - I am not convinced that a saucer shaped primary has any advantages
over a flat shape - it just results in the primary being closer to the top of
the coil and that is not an advantage.  I would suggest to make the I.D. 6.5
to 7.0" and use 12 to 14 turns to allow plenty of room for tuning and future

Ed Sonderman